CPaT Announces New Contract with European Airline, DAT
Houston, Texas USA – CPaT Global, today announced they have been awarded a new contract with DAT. CPaT will provide DAT with pilot training products, including Aircraft Systems for the Airbus A320 and ATR72-500/600, as well as the FMS Skills Trainer, 3D Cockpit Trainer, and Walk Around Trainer for the…
CPaT Announces New Major Partnership with “Saudia Academy” (Prince Sultan Aviation Academy)
Houston, Texas USA – CPaT Global, is proud to announce a new partnership with Saudia Academy. This partnership will enhance training programs for both pilots and cabin crew across a variety of aircraft fleets, including the Airbus A320 CEO, Airbus A320 NEO, Airbus A330, Airbus A340, Boeing 747, Boeing 777,…
CPaT Announces New Contract with Romanian Based Airline, Legend Airlines
Houston, Texas USA – CPaT Global, today announced they have been awarded a new contract with Romanian based airline, Legend Airlines. CPaT will be providing Legend with Airbus A340 Aircraft Systems courses tailored for their pilots and their Cabin Crew Training Suite, consisting of Aircraft Systems for Cabin Crew for…
CPaT Partners with Wizz Air, Europe’s Leading Ultra-Low-Cost Airline, to Enhance Aviation Training
Houston, Texas USA – CPaT Global, today announced they have been awarded a new contract with Wizz Air. CPaT will be providing Wizz Air with their Airbus A320 family of Aircraft Systems courses and a robust library of General Subjects for their pilot training programs. In addition, Wizz Air will…
CPaT Announces New Contract with Cargo Operator, AlphaSky
Houston, Texas USA – CPaT Global, today announced they have been awarded a new contract with AlphaSky. CPaT will be providing cargo operator, AlphaSky, with a full suite of Pilot training courseware including Aircraft Systems and Aircraft Procedures for their Boeing B737-400 Freighter, and Pilot and Cabin Crew training for…
CPaT Announces New Contract with Expanding Airline, Blue Jet Airways KG
Houston, Texas USA – CPaT Global today announced a new contract with Blue Jet Airways KG. CPaT will provide Blue Jet Airways with pilot training courseware for the Boeing B737 and Boeing B777, supporting the airline as it expands its operations. This partnership includes Aircraft Systems and a comprehensive suite…
CPaT 与韩国全球航空公司 Parata Air 合作
美国德克萨斯州休斯敦 - CPaT Global 很荣幸地宣布与 Parata Air 建立新的合作伙伴关系。根据该协议,CPaT 将为 Parata Air 的空客 A320 增强型机队和空客 A330 机队提供量身定制的培训解决方案,包括飞机系统课程。该合同还允许使用 CPaT 的飞机程序套件和...
CPaT 宣布与国际航空集团 (IAG) 成员、长途航空公司 LEVEL airlines 建立合作伙伴关系
美国德克萨斯州休斯敦 - CPaT Global 今天宣布,他们与总部位于西班牙巴塞罗那的国际航空集团 (IAG) 成员 LEVEL 航空公司签订了一份新合同。CPaT 将为 LEVEL 航空公司的空客 A330 机队的飞行员和乘务员提供定制培训解决方案。对于飞行员,...
反思影响深远的 2024 年亚太卫星会议
CPaT 很高兴能参加 9 月 10 日至 11 日在新加坡滨海湾金沙酒店举行的第 20 届亚太航空培训研讨会 (APATS 2024)。主会场包括三个独立的分会场,分别涉及飞行员培训、客舱乘务员培训和维修培训方面的热门话题。此次展会规模宏大...
CPaT 宣布与 Berniq Airways 签订合同
美国德克萨斯州休斯敦 - CPaT Global 今天宣布,他们与新成立的利比亚航空公司 Berniq Airways 签订了一份新合同。CPaT 将为 Berniq Airways 的空客 A320 CEO 和 A320 NEO 机队提供定制的飞机系统课程,以及一整套飞机程序培训....