
This Extended-range Twin-engine Operation Performance Standards course provides both realism and motivation through the use of high-quality, high-resolution graphics, photographic scans, and digital audio. It is broken up into 13 modules. The program provides approximately 4 hours of interactive training on this system. This CBT provides complete systems training by use of text, audio, graphic animations, and interactive training providing the highest level of learning. Each module has its own knowledge assessment to evaluate the understanding of the online aviation course.

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ETOPS Communication Course ExampleETOPS Course Example
ETOPS Course Example


本 CBT 课程通过 CPaT Access LMS 和 CPaT 移动应用程序提供。CPaT 课件的设计允许在多种设备上进行培训,包括 PC 和 Mac 电脑以及 Windows、IOS 和 Android 平板电脑。我们易于使用的应用程序允许在线和离线访问培训,并会在重新建立连接后进行同步。


本在线航空课程符合美国联邦航空局(FAA)、国际民航组织(ICAO)和民航总局(DGCA)的要求,并符合 IOSA 标准。
